Features Introduced in the 9.5.0 Windows Release

This section provides details about the new features introduced in the Windows 9.5.0 release.

Support for License Aggregation in case of Different License Vendor Info

Under this enhancement, support for license aggregation even if licenses have different license vendor info has been introduced.

To achieve this, the following changes have been made:

>A new attribute (license_vendor_info) has been made available (specify at the time of license generation).

> Licenses will aggregate even if the values specified for these attributes are different.

> This functionality is available from license version 19 onwards.

Sentinel RMS 9.5.0 Release Notes



License Aggregation Support for Lease Mode

>Introduced support for aggregate licenses in the Lease mode. This functionality is available from license version 19 onwards.

>Prior to this release, only exclusive licenses were supported in the Lease mode.

Cleaning the Active Login Session on a License Manager

We have provided support for cleaning an active session on the License Manager for which the corresponding client does not exist anymore.

Under this enhancement, the following attributes have been added to the sntl_licensing_login_attr API.

Attribute Key Purpose

This attribute is set to create a zombie session at login call.


This attribute is used to configure the client identifier mask for identifying the client whose session needs to be removed from the License Manager.

Support for Higher Value of Hard Limit and Soft Limit

>Sentinel RMS has been enhanced to support hard limit and soft limit up to 4,294,967,294 (short form: ~4B).

>This functionality is available from Sentinel RMS v9.5.0 onwards with license version 20 (or above).

>Existing API (traditional and unified) have been enhanced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294.

>New API functions have also been introduced under this enhancement.

>Further, existing tools have also been enhanced to support this.

NOTE   It must be noted that this high value is applicable only when hard limit is used as a quantity (not concurrency).

New Unified API Query Version

To support this enhancement, a new query version (1.1) has been introduced for the following API functions.



New Traditional API Functions

To support this enhancement, the following traditional API functions have been introduced :





Creation of Usage Logs for Commuter Licenses

Cloud usage logs are now created for commuter licenses generated for the Lease mode.

New Location of Cloud Usage Logs

When a standalone cloud application is running, the usage logs are created at the following location. This behavior is applicable only for standalone cloud applications using the Windows platform.

<OSdrive>:\ProgramData\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS Development Kit\System\Usage

Support for Usage Count Multiplier (UCM) attribute for sntl_licensing_refresh_attr API Function

Support for the UCM attribute has been extended to the sntl_licensing_refresh_attr API. Previously, the UCM attribute was available only with sntl_licensing_login_attr and sntl_licensing_logout_attr API functions.

Sentinel RMS API Builder

From Sentinel RMS v9.5 onwards, we have introduced a new tool known as the API Builder.

The API Builder invokes API functions and generates the output without writing or compiling the code. Additionally, the API Builder produces the code snippet on the fly. The source code is generated in C language and the operating platform in Microsoft Windows.

Some key features of the API Builder are as follows:

>Source code generation: Depending on the input parameters, the code snippet is dynamically generated.

>API execution: The API Builder helps to call and test API functions without having to write and compile any code. The result of the operation is displayed on the screen along with the error code (if any). For more information, invoke the context sensitive help within API Builder by clicking the Help (?) icon.

List of Unified APIs for the API Builder

The following APIs are available. In future, more APIs are planned to be added.









